DEMS (2 Kerrys, arguing):

  - There were NO PLANS (for Iraq military operations).
  - They were planning to invade Iraq, even BEFORE 1/9/11

  Troop strength
  -- Pull out.
    * Pull out now - rapidly, to save lives.
    * Pull out slowly - to protect lives.
  -- We should have more troops in Iraq.
    (But ask France to send them)
    (No, go to the UN.)

  Costs - Americans shold not have to bear all costs.
      Of the 200 countries in the U.N.,
      most are run by monarchs, dictators, or one-party states
      - Ask the wealthy monarchs to help pay.
      - Ask rulers to tap their Swiss bank accts.
      - Ask Kofi Annan to contribute some of the Billions
      unaccounted for in the "Oil for Food" program.