	Subject: 	[SCLP] Digest Number 1489
	Date: 	December 14, 2010 8:33:36 AM EST

There are 4 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

1a. Certified vote total    
    From: mark axinn
1b. Re: [LPNY_COMMITTEE] Certified vote total    
1c. Re: [Nassau_LP] Re: [LPNY_COMMITTEE] Certified vote total    
    From: mark axinn

2. (no subject)    
    From: John Gaetani

1a. Certified vote total
    Posted by: "mark axinn" markaxinn
    Date: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:59 pm ((PST))

The Board of Elections has ceritfied the total votes cast for Libertarian candidates Warren Redlich and Alden Link at 48,386--only 1614 shy of the 50,000 required for ballot status.

My congratulations and deep appreciation to Warren, Eric, Alden, Jack and everyone who worked so hard to get us so close to ballot status. I know that their efforts were tremendous.


1b. Re: [LPNY_COMMITTEE] Certified vote total
    Posted by: "" gdonoyan
    Date: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:20 pm ((PST))

Does this mean that Warren has conceded that he did not obtain 50,000 votes?  

The Board of Elections does not necessarily have the last word on that.  

Gary Donoyan

----- Original Message -----
From: mark axinn 
Date: Monday, December 13, 2010 3:59 pm
Subject: [LPNY_COMMITTEE] Certified vote total
To:, LPNY , lpny-HudsonValley , LP-CapitalDistrict , lpkc ,,, SILP , LP-Nassau , LPSC , Alden Link , Jack Roque , Warren Redlich , Eric Sundwall 

The Board of Elections has ceritfied the total votes cast for 
Libertarian candidates Warren Redlich and Alden Link at 48,386--
only 1614 shy of the 50,000 required for ballot status.

My congratulations and deep appreciation to Warren, Eric, Alden, 
Jack and everyone who worked so hard to get us so close to 
ballot status. I know that their efforts were tremendous.


Messages in this topic (3)
1c. Re: [Nassau_LP] Re: [LPNY_COMMITTEE] Certified vote total
    Posted by: "mark axinn" markaxinn
    Date: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:23 pm ((PST))

No, it does not mean that.


Does this mean that Warren has conceded that he did not obtain 50,000 votes?  

The Board of Elections does not necessarily have the last word on that.  

Gary Donoyan

Messages in this topic (3)
2. (no subject)
    Posted by: "John Gaetani"
    Date: Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:46 pm ((PST))

I am sure a lot of you like me were very happy to hear that Obama had agreed 
with the Republicans to extend the so-called "Bush tax cuts".  But as they say 
in football, upon further review, I am not so happy with the deal. What started 
me thinking twice about the deal was of course Rush Limbaugh. 

Here are the problems with the deal as I understand it.  The extension is only 
for two years. The estate tax is going up form zero to 35% for estates valued at 
$5 million or more. The pork and added spending in the deal including subsidies 
for ethanol and tariffs on imported ethanol. These are just a few of the 
problems I see. 

Now here is what they should be doing. Forget about extending the "Bush tax 
cuts". They should be overhauling the whole tax system. I am partial to the Fair 
Tax but a flat tax would be better than what we have now. And I know because I 
am a professional tax preparer. If you are not familiar with the Fair Tax I urge 
you to go to I don't agree totally with the design of the Fair Tax. 
If had I my way, I would eliminate the prebate and instead impose a graduated 
tax on more expensive items and eliminate the tax on certain services such as 
medical care.

Now I urge you to contact future Speaker Boehner, Congressman Cantor, 
Congressman Pence, and any other high ranking Republican to tell them to push 
for abolishing the current income tax system and replacing it with the Fair Tax 
or a Flat tax and not extend the so-called "Bush tax cuts".

 John A. Gaetani
Formerly Libertarian for Comptroller

Messages in this topic (1)
